Welcome to Friends of Kingston Library
Kingston Library provides great resources for research, learning, and enjoyment for local residents, but the library can get only so far on tax money. That’s where Friends of the Kingston Library comes into play.
Through various volunteer and fundraising efforts, Friends of the Kingston Library works hard to improve every aspect of the library, including the facilities, the collection, and the programs offered. All of us in Friends appreciate the cultural and educational value of Kingston Library, and we hope you’ll join us in helping to make the library the best it can be.

Grant Awarded from the Kingston Rotary Club
Did you hear?FoKL was provided an award from the Kingston Rotary Club for our upcoming Spring initiative! To underscore our Kingston Library outreach and engagement efforts, your Friends of the Kingston Library (FoKL) is looking to design and create a Mobile Little Free Library as part of our 2025 plans. The Kingston Rotary Club has partnered toward this grassroots initiative to bring this “one-of-kind learning opportunity” to local community events, offering the same Little Free Library (LFL) services as our stand-alone boxes: take a book, leave a book. As the Mobile Little Free Library moves throughout Kingston, our mission is to enrich many more lives by inspiring children to explore and discover the possibilities of the written word.
Please stay tuned to the development of this resource and when we officially launch our newest endeavor!
Want to volunteer or support FoKL?

Share your Library Story:
Thanks for those who have contributed so far!
We're always interested in people's experiences with the Kingston Library. Let's celebrate your personal relationship with the library.
Please send us an (up to) 300-word story on why you love your library, or an experience you had, and we'll feature as many as we can in our online edition of our quarterly newsletter "Between the Pages"!
Libraries are meant to be shared, and so are your stories. Email your stories to fokl@friendsofkingstonlibrary.org Attn: My Story about Kingston Library.

FoKL Appeals: Book Sale & Fundraising
Books Sales have enhanced community literacy and love for reading for years though we have diverse efforts to support our mission.

FoKL Mission: Funding Kingston Library Programs
The FoKL mission is to support the Kingston Library and educational initiatives to inspire and engage learners of all ages.

FoKL in our Community: Events & Collaborations
The Friends collaborates and participates in vibrant local events that foster community engagement and cultural appreciation throughout Kingston.
Frequently Asked Questions
Contact Us
Heather Ohlson, President
Erica Fox-Boyd, Vice President
Peter Levangia, Treasurer
Heather Atterbury, Secretary
Got a question or something you’d like to send us?
Postal Mail:
Heather Ohlson, President
Friends of the Kingston Library
61 Crown St.
Kingston, NY 12401
Subscribe to our quarterly newsletter
Email Us
Reach out for more information or to get involved!
Temporary Address
61 Crown St. Kingston, NY 12401 USA
About us
Friends of Kingston Library is a non-profit organization committed to supporting the Kingston Library in its mission to serve as a vital community resource. Through our work, we aim to strengthen the library's capacity to offer a wide range of services and programs that benefit the entire Kingston community. From book donation drives and educational programs to hosting community events, our efforts are geared towards promoting literacy, learning, and cultural engagement. We believe in the power of libraries to transform lives and communities for the better.
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